and Conservative Ideas
23 - 24 November 2018
What is TradFest?
TradFest is an annual international gathering of traditional and conservative leaders, thinkers and activists who through their endeavours promote the (re)establishment of traditional and conservative values in Croatia and the world.
TradFest is an unapologetic festival of traditional and conservative ideas in contrast to so called ‘progressive’ and militant secularist ideas and policies which have in a violent and revolutionary manner in the past subdued and are still today more than 25 years after the fall of communism actively working to deconstruct and do away with the traditional, conservative and Christian foundations and culture of Croatia, Europe and the Western world.
TradFest in a postive manner desires to provoke a thought process with follow on activities that will react to and counter negative ‘progressive’ developments in society and actively disseminate and promote a return to tradition, order, and conservative and Catholic values. The desire is to create a society that is attuned towards the family and the development of a creative and open disposition in civil society, politics and economics.
TradFest creates a space for the spreading of good ideas, personal contacts and networking of people with similar views and values. As such it works to help Croatia to throw off the destructive remnents of communism and to grow into a mature society by re-integrating its rich Christian heritage and culture.

Changes to the program!
Unfortunately our main keynote speaker Mr. Steven Mosher has had to cancel his participation at TradFest this year as he has contracted a serious illness. We thank him for his good will to participate and call upon all to pray for his health.In place of Steve we will have an interesting round table discussion with three eminent Croatian conservative intellectuals. Thank you for your understanding.
Friday 23 November 2018 Ban Jelacic Hall (1st floor) | |
19:45 | Opening Ceremony |
Introductory Prayer and Thoughts | |
Dr. Vice John Batarelo, President of Vigilare Introductory speech |
Round table
Political correctness in Croatia today. What about freedom of speech? Participants: Dr. Ivica Šola, Dr. Nino Raspudić, Dr. Boris Havel |
Saturday 24 November 2018 Ban Jelacic Hall (1st floor) | |
10:00 | Mr. Paul Hanrahan Director Family Life International Australia, Sydney, Australija The Collapse of the Culture of Life in Australia. Or is there still hope? |
10:45 | Dr. Imre Téglasy President of Alpha Alliance for Life, Budapest, Hungary. Culture Wars in Hungary. A True Conservative Turnabout? |
11:30 | Mr. Mathias Von Gersdorff Director of Children at Risk & publicist, Germany The Sexual Revolution in Germany |
12:15 | Award “Witness of the Year” 2018
Recipient don Damir Stojić, SDB |
12:30 | Lunch break |
14:00 | Dr. Paul Cameron Chairman Family Research Institute, United States of America Homosexuality, Children, Adults and Society |
15:00 | Mr. Boris Andreev (LLM Budimpešta) Law Specialist, Frankfurt, Germany and Sofia, Bulgaria The Bulgarian Rejection of the Istanbul Convention. More than just Pickled Cucumbers. |
16:00 | Cofee break |
16:15 | Mr. Jerzy Kwaśniewski, President Ordo Iuris Poland Dr. Tymoteusz Zych, Legal Analyst Ordo Iuris Poland Antidote to Gender Ideology (and the Istanbul Convention); Convention on the Rights of the Family |
17:00 | Dr. Clemens Cavallin, Sweden Crisis in the Church Today Yet Looking Towards a Global Christendom |
18:00 | Closing |
”Witness of the year“ is an annual award of the Vigilare Foundation and granted at its TradFest Conference.
The prize is awarded to prominent individuals and organisations for a courageous, authentic and non-compromising commitment to the preservation and dignity of human life and the promotion of the truth about human nature.
The award consists a plaque and a medal.
The winners of the award:
TradFest 2016 – Ante Čaljkušić and the International Initiative ”40 days for life“
TradFest 2017 – Marijan Gubina and Humanitarian Nonprofit Association Auxilium
Support TradFest!
TradFest is financed only by voluntary contributions and donations from our friends and supporters.
If you wich to support us, you can place your donation on our bank account:
Vigilare Foundation
Ul. Janka Grahora 4
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
IBAN: HR5423900011500106809
Bank Information:
Hrvatska poštanska banka, d.d.
Jurišićeva 4, HR-10000 Zagreb